Oct 9, 2011

Weekly Recap (Oct 3-9)

I used to participate in The Sunday Salon a looong time ago (don't ask...I don't even know whether the page is still up). It's been ages since I last wrote a Sunday Salon post because Sundays usually turn out to be the busiest days of my week. When the entire family is home and everyone demands something, it's even hard to find a couple of minutes to get a few words down. Eventually I stopped posting on Sundays, but I do need a sort of a weekly recap and a place to set bloggy and bookish plans for the following week.

My classes start tomorrow. It's my last year in college and I'm equal parts happy and sad to go back. On the good side, it means I'll have my own routine back and have more time to read, write, blog, sleep (and study, of course.) Sad part is that I'll be away from my munchkin for five days a week. After a long and nice summer, it'll take some time for both of us to get used to it again.

I've been reading like a maniac in the last couple of weeks. After a long period of being a bad, bad blogger, things are looking up, and hopefully I'll be able to keep it up. I reached a milestone this week-- 100 followers (big thanks to everyone, you guys are awesome!)...and that calls for a giveaway. Forgive me for being as poor as a church mouse, so it won't be anything big, but I'll think of something.
Here's my weekly recap:


Received for review:
Death Watch (The Undertaken #1) by Ari Berk (Nov 15, Simon and Schuster) via Galleygrab
Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (Dec 27, EgmontUSA) via NetGalley
The Butterfly Clues by Kate Ellison (Feb 14, 2012 by EgmontUSA) via NetGalley
The Dressmaker by Kate Alcott (Feb 21, 2012 by Doubleday) via NetGalley

Won in a giveaway:
*thank you, Book Rat*

Plans for next week:
-interview with J. Gabriel Gates (author of above mentioned The Sleepwalkers)
-as usual, a Follow Friday post and a weekly recap post

I hope you had a great week. What's on your reading list for the week to come? Any reviews or posts from last week that you're proud of? Post it in the comments and I'll come and read it :)

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