I'm a bit late to the party! Friday was kind of busy, and I took the evening off on purpose to catch up on everything I missed being away from my kid for five days.

Feature And Follow My Book Blog Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel (AKA Parajunkee) and Alison from Alison Can Read. Each week they feature a book blog and ask a (funny) question that sometimes gives me brain hemorrhage trying to think of an answer.
This week's features are
The question:
If you could have characters from a particular book meet and form an epic storyline with characters from a particular TV series, which would you choose and why?
Ok, a tough one again. Since Roswell was my favorite TV show when I was a teenager, I was trying to come up with a book to match it with. In all honesty, I can't remember that I ever read a YA about aliens (hint hint, authors. I'd devour it). I'm a sucker for good alien shows and movies. Anyone has a recommendation?
Have a great weekend!