Dec 25, 2010

Wishing everyone a verry merry Christmas!

My dear readers and followers,

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas time! I hope Santa brought you lots of nice books!

It's been a couple of months since I've posted my last review. The reason for my occasional disappearance from the blogosphere is (and has always been) the same-college. In October I got my Bachelors degree in German and English and immediately started my Masters. It's been a tough few weeks, what with studying for my exams (German syntax is still haunting me in my nightmares), what with writing my final paper (that's a horror on its own merits-when I had it almost finished, my computer collapsed, taking with it 18 pages of my paper, and I had to write the damn thing all over again. Don't make me go there, it still hurts.) I thought I'd have some more time once things take a steady routine on college. Boy, I was wrong. As a soon-to-be-translator, I'm swamped with homeworks and all my computer time is consumed on translating. I love it and there so much more to it than I ever could have imagined (but that's a topic for my other blog). My favorite part? Translation of literary texts, of course :) 

So, instead of rambling any further, I'm off to write some reviews. First come, first served. I stopped blogging while I was reading Little Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella. Very convenient for this time of year.

Take care!

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