Jan 15, 2013

Cover Reveal: Firefly (Cicada #2) by Belle Whittington

Oh God I can't wait to read this book!

Title: Firefly (Cicada #2) by Belle Whittington
Release Date: February 2nd 2012
Cover Design: LB Whittington

Links to buy:
will be available here after relese date

Author Bio:

Belle resides somewhere north of Houston, Texas in a small inconsequential town with the smallest most inconsequential name. There, in the shady reaches of the pines, elms, and oaks, she daydreams of adventures and secrets that she weaves throughout her stories.

Having studied literature at University of Houston, Belle has been known to consider teaching at the college level someday.

Find more about/purchase Cicada:
Paperback: Amazon | CreateSpace


One winner will receive ebooks of both Cicada and Firefly and book swag. The giveaway is international and ends on Firefly release date, February 2nd.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also also also...BIG THANKS to everyone who helped me with this cover reveal!

  1. A Book Lovers Review www.abook-loversreview.com
  2. Romancing the Book http://www.romancing-the-book.com
  3. The Loyal Book http://theloyalbook.blogspot.it/
  4. I Am A Reader, Not A Writer http://www.iamareader.com/
  5. Reading A Little Bit of Everything http://readinglittlebitofeverything.blogspot.com
  6. Books Complete Me www.bookscompleteme.com
  7. Bittersweet Enchantment http://www.bittersweet-enchantment.com/
  8. The Reading Fish http://omgitsfishy.blogspot.com/
  9. Escaping... One Book @ a Time http://escapingonebookatatime.blogspot.com/
  10. A Daydreamer's Thoughts http://daydreamersthoughts.co.uk
  11. Nicole Storey's Chaotic Thoughts http://nicolestorey.wordpress.com/
  12. That Artsy Reader Girl http://thatartsyreadergirl.blogspot.com/
  13. Books and Broomsticks www.booksandbroomsticks.blogspot.com
  14. Heart of darkness http://fantasybooks-27.blogspot.ro/
  15. Magnet 4 Books http://magnet4books.blogspot.com
  16. Chapter by Chapter http://www.chapter-by-chapter.com
  17. Bianca2b http://bianca2b.wordpress.com
  18. Me, My Shelf and I http://www.memyshelfandi.com
  19. Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf http://melissaseclecticbookshelf.blogspot.com
  20. The Top Shelf http://www.the-top-shelf.com
  21. BookHounds YA http://foreveryoungadult.blogspot.com
  22. Once Upon A Time http://onceuponatime.jaedia.net/
  23. Once Upon a Twilight www.onceuponatwilight.com
  24. Comfort Books http://paigebradish1996.blogspot.com/
  25. paranormal book club www.paranormal-bookclub.com
  26. Pieces of Whimsy http://piecesofwhimsy.blogspot.com.au/
  27. Young Adult Novel Reader www.yanovelreader.com
  28. A Fan Girl's Obsession http://afangirlsobsession.wordpress.com/
  29. My Book Crushes http://mybookcrushes.wordpress.com/
  30. Young Adult Book Addict http://youngadultbookaddict.wordpress.com/
  31. Rai29BookReadNReview http://rai29bookreadnreview.blogspot.co.uk/
  32. YA Fantasy Author http://www.yafantasyauthor.com
  33. Seeing Night Reviews http://seeingnight.blogspot.com
  34. The Rambling Readerista http://theramblingreaderista.blogspot.com
  35. The Reading Geek http://thereadinggeek.blogspot.com
  36. Book-Marks the Spot http://caughtinasnyderwebb.blogspot.com/
  37. I Read Indie http://twimom101bookblog.blogspot.com/
  38. Valsul Fluturilor http://valsulfluturilor.blogspot.ro/
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